Who-o Loves You?

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • 1 1/2" x 7 1/2" x 8" Heart - White
  • 2 1/2" x 24" Wired Burlap Ribbon - Natural
  • Spray Color - Antique Gold
  • 12" x 12" Scrapbook Paper:
    • Aqua microdot
    • Pink with Multi-Color Hearts
    • Solid Red
  • Cardstock:
    • Solid Pink
    • (2) Red Chevron Print
  • (2) 35 mm Wiggle Eyes
  • 5/8" x 24" Ribbon - Aqua
  • Paper Punches:
    • 2"
    • 2 1/2" 


  • Old Newspapers
  • Large Cardboard Box (For Spraying)
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Copy Paper
  • Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
  • Tacky Glue
  • Tacky Adhesive Glue Stick
  • Floral Shears
  • Foam Tools


  1. Use a pencil to trace Foam Heart onto the wrong side of each sheet of chevron paper. (Note: Plan how to position hearts so that chevron print will run horizontally across hearts.) Use Floral Shears to cut them out. Set aside.
  2. In a well-ventilated, newspaper-covered area (inside box), lightly spray ends of Foam Heart with Antique Gold spray color. (This color is close to the burlap color and prevents the white Foam from showing through the Burlap ribbon.) Let dry.
  3. Generously apply a glue stick to one side of the Foam Heart and attach one paper heart. Press and smooth. Repeat with other paper hearts on another side of the Foam.
  4. Use Floral Shears to trim wire off 24″ length Wired Burlap Ribbon edges. Generously apply a glue stick all around the edge of the heart. Align the end of the burlap ribbon into the top crevice of the heart and wrap, going all around the heart and back to the top crevice again. Trim as needed and use extra glue to attach a slightly overlapped end. Fray both edges of the burlap ribbon by carefully removing one or two strands.
  5. Refer to photo. For wing pattern, on copy paper, sketch a 4 1/2″ long heart. Then sketch one heart curve shorter than the other. Cut it out and set it on the foam owl body to check it. Trim or redraw as needed. When satisfied, trace a heart onto pink multi-color heart paper. Flip over and trace another. Cut out using Floral Shears.
  6. Similarly, for foot pattern, sketch a 2″ tall x 2 1/2″ wide heart on copy paper. Fold in half and cut out. Trace onto aqua micro-dot paper to make two feet.
  7. For eyes, use hole punches to make two 2″ circles from aqua micro-dot paper and two 2 1/2″ circles from pink cardstock. Use tacky glue to assemble eyes in layers with wiggle eyes on top. Refer to photo to position and glue eyes.
  8. For the beak, cut a 1″ tall x 1 1/2″ wide triangle from red paper and fold it in half. Glue edges of triangle and position with the point down, just below eyes. Position and glue wings to the side. Curl tops of feet hearts and glue point to the bottom (burlap-covered) edge of Foam heart.
  9. For hanging ribbon, use the pointed tool in Foam Tools to make a 1/4″ deep hole in the foam heart’s top crevice (centered). Squish one end of the ribbon and insert it into the hole; apply glue in the area to hold. (Note: Wait to hang the owl until the glue has completely dried.)


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