Valentine Box

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM:
    • 6" x 15" Make It: Fun® Diorama Kit
    • (4) 1/2" x 3" Hearts - Pre-Painted Red
    • (3) 1/2" x 5" Hearts - Pre-Painted Red
  • (NOTE: if you can't find pre-painted hearts, you can get the white and paint them red)
  • .59" Designer Masking Tape:
    • (1) Roll - Black Dots
    • (1) Roll - Stripes
  • Red Paper Crimps
  • Toothpicks
  • Valentines


  • Tacky Glue
  • 8" Scissors


  1. Refer to package instructions to assemble Diorama using tacky glue and toothpicks. (Note: Diorama will be turned with an opening at the top to use as a box.)
  2. Using tape as it comes off the roll, attach designer masking tape to vertical corners of Diorama and evenly trimming ends. Similarly, apply tape around the top side edges of Diorama and then across the top surface edges. For permanence, apply a small amount of tacky glue where tape strips overlap.
  3. Refer to photo. Position and glue one large and four small hearts to the long front side of Diorama. (Note: Overlapping hearts adds dimension.) Similarly, position and glue one large heart to each short end of Diorama. Let dry.
  4. Fill the box with paper crimps. As children receive Valentines, add to the box in a pleasing arrangement.


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