- FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
- 1”x12”x36 Sheet - White
- (6) 3" Balls - White
- Acrylic Paint:
- Black
- Purple
- Fabric Paint Marker - White
- Duct Tape - Black
- Glitter - Purple
- Plastic Spiders (Optional)
- Foam Cutter or Serrated Knife
- Low-Temp Glue Gun
- Scissors
- Paint Brush
- Paper Plate
- Use the Foam Cutter or serrated knife to cut six 6” x 3” pieces of foam from the foam sheet. Cut the two 3” balls in half. Cut three of the half balls in half again. Use the remaining half ball as a sanding block to sand and round the top corners of the 6” x 3” sheets.
- Paint the (6) ball quarters purple. While the paint is still wet sprinkle each with purple glitter and set them aside to dry.
- Completely cover each of the 6” x 3” tombstones with black duct tape. Be sure to gather the tape together slightly as you wrap to create lots of folds and wrinkles in the tape.
- Place a small amount of white acrylic paint on the plate. Add a little paint to the brush and then wipe off excess paint so that the brush looks almost dry. Lightly brush across the folds and wrinkles of the tape allowing some of the black tape to show through. Add more or less paint for your desired look. Let dry.
- Use the fabric paint’s applicator tip to write a message or guest’s name on each of the tombstones. Let dry flat.
- Glue the purple glittered ball quarters to the fronts of the tombstones to help them stand up.
- Glue on plastic spiders to embellish the tombstones.
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