Santa’s Workshop

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM® Project Bricks
  • Acrylic Paints:
    • Red
    • White
  • Textured Scrapbook Paper:
    • Red
    • Tan
  • Mini Christmas Tree Lights
  • Mini Christmas Tree Decorations


  • Foam Cutter or Serrated Knife
  • Scissors
  • Low-Temp Glue Gun


  1. For helpful construction information, reference the Tips & Techniques sheet enclosed in the Project Bricks box. (Or click on the hyperlink for the construction information.  You will need Adobe Reader to access)
  2. Lay out the bottom course of bricks for the workshop and glue them together to secure. This model has seven bricks across the front and back and six bricks along the sides. 
  3. The 2nd and 3rd courses, you will need to leave one brick out for the door opening in the center. For the 4th, 5th, 6th, and 7th courses, you must leave two bricks on both sides of the door and side walls for the windows. There should be a half brick between the windows and the front door. The 8th, 9th, and 10th courses have no bricks left out.
  4. To create the protruding corners, cut bricks in half and glue to every other corner brick on the front and sides as shown. Paint the entire workshop red and let dry. Paint the ends of the protruding bricks white and let dry.
  5. Roll four bricks to create roof supports. Glue the supports to the top of the front wall, one at each corner and one above each side of the door, as shown. Glue 2 and a half bricks together end to end and roll to create roof supports for the back. Repeat. Glue the two posts to the back corners of the workshop. Paint the posts white and let them dry.
  6. To create the doorway arch, glue four bricks together end to end and roll the two front corners to round slightly, keeping the back edge flat to glue to the workshop. Repeat for the second post. For the top arch, roll two front corners of three bricks. Now cut corners at angles so that they fit together to form the arch. Paint posts and arch white and let dry. Glue in place around the door, as shown.
  7. Glue pieces of red textured paper behind the roof support along the front, sides, and back. The side pieces will have to be cut at an angle as the posts are higher in the back so that the roof will angle down in the front. Cut a 10”x14” piece of tan paper and cut scallops along one 14” side as shown. Glue the roof in place.
  8. Decorate the workshop with mini lights and tree decorations.

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