Panda Pal

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • Balls: 
      • (2) 2" - White
      • (2) 2.5" - White
      • 3" - White
      • 4" - White
  • Acrylic Paint - Black
  • Pompoms - Black:
    • 1/2 "
    • (3) 1.5" 
  • 9" x 12" Felt - Black
  • (2) 15mm Wiggle Eyes
  • 1" Glittered Flower - Pink


  • Foam Cutter
  • Tacky Glue 
  • 8" Scissors 
  • Ruler
  • Toothpicks
  • Fine Line Marker - Black
  • Paintbrush
  • Teaspoon
  • Old Newspapers


(*Note: From this package, there will be one 2 1/2″ Ball left over for a future project.)

  1. For head and body, use foam cutter to cut a 1″ diameter slice off each 3″ and 4″ foam balls. Place cut side of 4″ ball (body) down on work surface. Referring to photo for angle of head, position cut side of 3″ ball (head) on the body, slightly back from top center. Trim a 4″ Ball (body) at the location you want to place the head. Connect head and body with toothpicks, but don’t glue yet. (Note: Throughout the rest of the construction, temporarily hold foam pieces together with toothpicks or toothpick halves. Then, when instructed, take it apart to paint and reassemble.)
  2. For legs, use a serrated knife to cut one 2 1/2″ Ball in half. To round cut edges, carefully press edges on the work surface to compress the foam. Place legs against the body and trim legs to nestle into the body. Connect legs to body with toothpicks.
  3. For arms, cut one 2″ diameter Ball in half, then cut each half in half again for a total of four pieces (like sections of an orange). Similarly, round cut edges of each piece. (Note: One 2″ diameter Ball will make two arms and two paws.) For the arm, place one section, cut side down on the work surface, and trim 1/4″ off one end. Referring to the photo, hold (and use a toothpick to attach) the section to the side of the body; then, with the second section, make paw by trimming about 1/2” off, at the proper angle, so that segments can join. Connect sections with a toothpick. With the remaining two sections, make other arm/paw.
  4. For the muzzle, cut a 1 1/2″ diameter slice off a 2″ diameter Ball and discard a larger piece of Ball—round edges of the slice. With a teaspoon, gently scoop out the slice’s center so the muzzle can fit onto the head. Hold in place with a toothpick. (Note: If the turned head is desired, place the muzzle to one side, close to an arm.)
  5. While the body is still together (held with toothpicks), refer to the photo and use a marker to draw a line around the top third of the body, where you will paint it black. Take apart the body but place it on the table, so you know how to reassemble. On a newspaper-covered work surface, paint the top third of the body, all arm and leg pieces, with black paint. (Note: Head, muzzle, and lower body will remain white.) Let dry.
  6. Use toothpicks and tacky glue to reassemble Panda, except for the muzzle. Let dry.
  7. Cut two 1″ x 1 1/2″ ovals for eyes from felt. Position and glue eye patches to the face. (Notice angle to eye patches in relationship to muzzle so that head looks tilted.) Then attach muzzle, slightly overlapping bottoms of eye patches, using glue and toothpicks. Glue wiggle eyes to eye patches, close to the muzzle. Glue 1/2″ pom for the nose and large poms for ears. (again, angling properly for head tilt.) Glue flower to head in front of Panda’s left ear.

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