Gold-Dipped Cube Arrangement

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • 5” Cube - White
  • Wrapping Paper - Birch Tree Print
  • Adhesive Vinyl Gold Metallic
  • (3) Large Magnolia Stems
  • Small Pine Branch Sprigs
  • Small Twigs Bundles


  • Low-Temp Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Wire Cutters



  1. Tear 2” strips of birch paper. Glue strips to cover the foam cube, slightly overlapping each strip.
  2. Cut a wavy strip of the gold vinyl and stick along the bottom edge of the cube to create a gold-dipped look.
  3. Insert the three magnolias into the top of the cube.
  4. Glue in the pine sprigs and twigs on each side of the front magnolia. Glue in the magnolia leaves to fill in the arrangement.

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