Floral Covered FōM® Shapes

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® FloraFōM®:
    • (1) 2” x 12” x 18” Sheet -- Green
    • 10” Ball -- Green
    • 6” Ball -- Green
  • 2" - 2.5" Permanent Rose Blossoms:
    • (100-125) To Cover 10” Ball
    • (40-45) To Cover 6” Ball
    • (60-65) To Cover 12”x14” Heart (One-Sided) 


  • Low-Temp Glue Gun 
  • Wire Cutters 
  • Serrated Edge Knife/Saw 
  • Black Marker 


  1. Use the 12” width of the foam sheet as the 12” height of your heart.  Use the marker to draw the heart shape onto the foam sheet approx—14” wide.  Use the knife or saw to cut out the heart from the foam.  Use the scrap pieces of foam as sanding blocks to sand away any uneven areas. 
  2. Cut the flower stems to about 1.5”.  Apply a small amount of glue to the end of each stem and insert it into the foam shape all the way in.  Insert the stems so that the blossoms touch side by side to cover the shape. 
  3. Glue the leaves from the flower stems in between the blossoms equally spaced apart. 

TIP: Pin lengths of ribbon secured with glue to the shapes to hang as a backdrop. 

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