Feather Boa Ornament

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • 3” Ball - White
  • Feather Boa - Pink
  • Sheer Ribbon - Pink
  • Decorative Head Pin
  • Straight Pins


  • Low-Temp Glue Gun
  • Scissors


  1. Using the straight pins, pin one end of the boa to the ball. Wrap the boa around the ball, dividing it in half. Pin the boa in place again where you stop. Wrap the boa around the ball in the opposite direction, pinning it in place to divide the ball into four quarters—pin lengths of boa to the four bare sections to completely cover the ball.
  2. Cut a length of ribbon for the hanger. Use the decorative head pin to attach the loop of ribbon to the top of the ornament. Add a glue dot to the pin’s end before inserting it for a more secure hold.

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