Enchanting Duo

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • 1” x 12” x 36” Sheet - White
  • FloraCraft® FloraFōM®: 
    • 2” x 8” Discs - Green
  • Spray Paints:
    • Orange
    • Flat Black
  • Permanent Flowers
  • Ribbon
  • Wood Picks
  • White Paper (templates)


  • Glue
  • Foam Cutter or Serrated Knife


  1. Pin the cutout template shapes to the foam sheet.
  2. Cut out shapes as instructed on the package using the Styro-cutter Plus.
  3. Paint the foam shapes and bases with foam-friendly spray paints. Acrylic paints could also be used.  Allow drying thoroughly before proceeding to Step 4!
  4. Helpful Hint: Use spray paint in a well-ventilated area. Two light coats are preferable to one heavy coat. Using light coats allows for more effective and complete coverage!
  5. Attach shape to the base with 2 double-ended wooden picks. Apply StyroGlue to wood picks to create a secure attachment. Cut Permanent Flowers to appropriate length and insert them into the base. Add Ribbon to the flower base by using a wood pick to insert the ribbon into the base, looping it in and out of the arrangement and inserting it into the foam as you go.

Design Trick: Creating several small arrangements for a large table, buffet or mantel uses the Breakaway Centerpiece technique. Allowing for smaller pieces to be woven and placed or distributed in smaller areas throughout a table-scape. This technique is extremely helpful when a large quantity of food or place settings may be needed on a table.

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