Easter Egg Wheelbarrow

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • 4" Egg - White
    • 2" Ball - White
  • Spray Paint - Fuchsia
  • Acrylic Paint - Blue
  • (4) Craft Sticks
  • 1/4" Wood Dowel
  • (2) 1/2" Pom-Poms - Pink
  • Ribbon:  
    • ¼” - Pink
    • 1” - Black
  • Toothpicks


  • Foam Cutter or Serrated Knife
  • Low-Temp Glue Gun
  • Scissors
  • Metal Teaspoon


  1. To create the barrel: Stand the egg up on the wide end, and holding the narrow end, use a serrated knife to cut about 1/3 off one side of the egg.  The cut should be slightly curved inward to create the barrel opening.  Use the teaspoon to “scoop” out the center of the egg to create the hollow barrel leaving about a ½” thick wall.  Cut opposite sides off the ball.  You should have about a ½” thick rounded disc left for the wheel.  Spray the inside of the barrel and the wheel fuchsia, being sure to hold the can 12” away.  Paint the outside of the egg blue.
  2. Cut two craft sticks to about two ¼”.  Measure about ¼” back from the rounded end of the craft sticks and cut into the side about 1/8” using the serrated knife.  Make another cut right next to the first cut to create a 1/8” wide groove.  Cut two more sticks to about 1 ½”.  Cut two wood dowel pieces to about 3” long.  Spray paint all the wood pieces and a toothpick fuchsia and let dry. 
  3. Glue the two ¼” craft sticks into the narrow front end of the egg, about ¾” apart, with the grooves facing up.  Be careful not to push the sticks through the barrel.  Push a toothpick through the center of the wheel.  Place the wheel between the sticks in the front, resting the toothpick in the grooves.  Trim the ends of the toothpick to stick out just past the groove on either side of the sticks and glue a pom pom to each end of the toothpick.  Glue the pink ribbon around the edge of the wheel.
  4. Glue the two 1 ½” craft stick legs, round side down, into the bottom of the barrel about 1 ½” in from the back of the barrel and about 1 ½” apart.  Glue the two wood dowel handles into the back of the barrel about 1 ½” apart—wrap black ribbon to the ends of the handles.

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