Cup o’ Cheer® Fresh Flower Arrangement

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® WetFōM® Cup o' Cheer®
  • Standard Coffee Mug
  • Small Fresh Flower Mixed Bouquet 


  • Anchor Tape 
  • Floral Shears 
  • Quart Jar 
  • Towel 


  1. Fill a jar with warm 100–110-degree water. Pour the recommended amount of flower food into the jar and mix thoroughly.
  2. Place the Cup o’ Cheer into the water and let soak freely until thoroughly soaked. Remove the arranger from the water and let it drip for a few seconds. 
  3. Place the arranger into the cup. Use anchor tape to secure the arranger inside the mug. 
  4. Cut the stems of the flowers to about 4 inches. Begin inserting the flowers into the arranger in a tight mound at the top of the cup. Insert the larger focal flowers first. Evenly, space the colors of the flowers so they can be viewed from all sides of the cup. 

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