Fun Fur Trees

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • Cones:
      • 9" - White
      • 12" - White
  • Fun Fur Yarn:
    • Silver
    • White
    • Pink
  • Pompoms - Red


  • Low-Temp Glue Gun
  • Soft Bristle Brush


  1. Glue one end of the yarn to the bottom of the cone and begin wrapping around and around until the cone is completely covered with multiple layers of yarn. Cover one cone all white and cover one cone all silver. Brush the trees lightly to fluff up the individual fun fur strands.
  2. Glue the end of the pink yarn at the base of the trees and spiral up each tree for a garland.
  3. Glue assorted sizes of pompoms to both trees for ornaments. Glue a larger pompom to the top of each tree for the tree topper.

Tip: When wrapping your tree with the Fun Fur Yarn, gently use a plastic bristled hairbrush to fluff the “fur.”

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