Eggshell Chicks

Skill Level: Beginner

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  • FloraCraft® CraftFōM®:
    • (2) 15/16" x 11 15/16" x 17 15/16" Blocks - White
  • FloraCraft® DryFōM®:
    • (3) 2.4" x 3.75" Mug Plugs - Green
  • Dyed Spanish Moss - Green
  • Spray Color:
    • Yellow
    • Cream
  • (15-20) White Eggshells - Clean and Dry
  • (3) 2 1/2" x 4" tall Empty Soup cans (Labels Removed)
  • 1/4" x 36" Wood Dowel


  • 5" Precision Tip Scissors
  • Foam Cutter
  • Craft Knife
  • Tacky Glue
  • Glue Gun and Glue Sticks
  • Old Newspapers
  • Bowl for Eggshells
  • Large Cardboard Box (For Spraying)
  • Permanent Fine Tip Marker - Black
  • Masking Tape
  • Coping Saw


  1. Use scissors to cut out the chick pattern. Before removing plastic from Foam Block, trace the pattern onto the plastic using a fine line marker three times. Use a craft knife to press through plastic, going along marker lines to impress Foam. Remove plastic and use Foam Cutter to cut out chicks.
  2. Use a coping saw to cut the dowel into 12″, 10″, and 8″ lengths. Referring to the photo, notice where the dowel is inserted in each chick’s bottom edge to make it look down, straight ahead, and up. Insert dowels into a chick.
  3. Trim one Mug Plug as needed to fit down into one can. Hot glue the bottom of the Mug Plug to permanently attach to the inside of the can. Push the dowel of one chick into the center of Mug Plug, going down to the bottom of the can, but do not glue. Use this as a quick way of holding the chick when it needs to dry. (Wait to add Moss.) Repeat with the other two cans and chick dowels.
  4. Crush eggshells into small pieces (1/4″ diameter or less) in a bow. In a newspaper-covered area, generously spread glue on the top surface of one Foam chick as you would use glitter, and cover glued area with eggshells. Tip over to remove excess, saving it on newspaper. Similarly, glue eggshells to the sides and then back of the chick so it’s covered with eggshells. Let dry by setting back into Foam in the can. Repeat with other two chicks.
  5. To protect dowels from spray, apply masking tape around one dowel, close to the chick. Continue to apply tape down dowel for about 3″. Repeat with other chick dowels. In a well-ventilated, newspaper-covered area (inside box), spray two chicks with Aspen Yellow and one chick with Butter Crème. Apply a second coat if needed. Remove the masking tape and set it back inside Foam in cans to dry.
  6. If dowels are loose, hot glue. Also, apply glue to the top of the Mug Plug and place a handful of Spanish Moss onto it, covering the Foam completely. Allow Moss to extend out beyond the edge of the can. Repeat with other two chicks.

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